Achieve the best performance and reliability in your operations.

From Keycloak Sentinel to Autoscaling.

Make SSO operations more reliable through alerting capabilities and continuous metrics measurement.

Do you already work with a professional support team? They serve as your fallback when an incident happens.

In addition to a well-established infrastructure, you need the best possible protection for your applications and users so that nothing goes wrong.

You’ve come to the right place: In addition to retroactive event monitoring using logs, we also offer proactive monitoring for Keycloak and Login-Master instances. So that you can recognise critical situations early and take preventive action.
Keycloak Monitoring

Automated early detection…

…is a result of measuring operating parameters and key figures proactively to protect your web applications and services from dangers and overloading.

After all, the stakes are high when it comes to securing digital identities and user authorisations. This way, you can detect data loss, espionage or a DDOS attack early enough to avoid greater damage.

Our monitoring: well thought-out and innovative.

Monitoring starts with checking the login page and testing whether it is actually functional. To ensure that the login processes work smoothly, we have implemented Keycloak Sentinel. It acts as a guardian, repeatedly checking whether the login always works at short intervals, as well as how quickly the whole thing runs.

Operational control for Keycloak and Login-Master

– our measures at a glance:

Monitoring for Keycloak

Monitoring instruments:


  • Blackbox monitoring checks whether the login page is online.
  • Functional or whitebox monitoring simulates logins as a “Keycloak Sentinel” at short intervals to check whether login is possible and how quickly users can log in.
  • This monitoring option runs 24/7 year-round and provides the appropriate alarm functions for support.
IMS fine adjustment

Performance and added security:


  • Autoscaling (scheduled for 2022): Login-Master automatically detects a server overload and adjusts the capacity.
  • Adaptive authentication (scheduled for 2022): using AI, the system recognises different users and adjusts the login options (MFA, OTP, …) accordingly.

Secure your productive applications with these IAM building blocks:

Secure infrastructure

When it comes to IAM, we give you first-class advice on hardening, i.e. securing your keycloak instances. When you book an SaaS solution with us, we have already done our homework with regard to hardening and high availability. This is the first step towards a reliable and secure IAM operation.

Learn more: Security

Professional support

We offer you excellent support in emergencies. With the readiness of our professional Keycloak and IAM experts, you gain the freedom to devote yourself to your core business. During maintenance work or patch days, we are 100% there to help you in case of disruption.

Learn more: 2nd/3rd-level support for Keycloak and add-ons (Login-Master)

Blackbox monitoring

With black box monitoring, Login-Master constantly checks whether the login page is active and correctly delivered. If the login page is not accessible or too slow, Login-Master sounds the alarm.

It is the only way to ensure that users are always able to log in to your applications and services smoothly.

Discuss which measures make sense for you in addition to Keycloak or Login-Master support. No strings attached.

Blackbox monitoring will be online soon – send us a message!

Keycloak Sentinel

Nearly every Keycloak implementor uses freely implementable Keycloak logs for events and admin activities. Login-Master offers an additional tool to control the actual functioning of the login process for your web applications. Keycloak Sentinel performs the following tasks:

  • It tests by means of simulation whether users are really able to log in. It repeats this at short intervals.
  • It also checks how long the login really takes.
  • If the simulation fails or the sentinel takes too long to log in, it triggers an alarm.

In this way, you find out about inconsistencies before your users notice them themselves or get annoyed by poor performance when logging in, so you can take proactive action.

Book your own Keycloak guardian here: Keycloak Sentinel

Fraud prevention

This method of avoiding fraudulent logins is becoming more and more popular. To do it, you need an AI-supported analysis of users’ behaviour who have not yet been authenticated. The result of this evaluation is a current risk profile of the respective user. If Login-Master finds certain anomalies in the login process (e.g. other browser or other terminal device), it adapts the login procedure for this user (e.g. through 2-factor authentication). In this way, adaptive authentication enables secure access by authorised users.

The second security level in Login-Master is our authorisation framework, which fundamentally distinguishes between the authorisation for correct authentication and the actual access authorisation to an application or your services.

This means even if a hacker obtains the SSO token, Login-Master should filter it out through monitoring. And if for some reason this is not the case, SecuRole® technology protects your application from unauthorised access.

Before the actual authentication, we offer the verification of personal data via a Keycloak extension (Postident adapter) – to identify your users. Whether for business or for legally binding transactions with consumers, this verification is a logical step. This way, you can be sure that no fraudster sneaks into your system and uses your services.

Find out more:



This convenient feature gives you peace of mind when it comes to the scalability of your user logins. Login-Master monitors the quantitative performance of login processes. If an authentication server is close to its capacity limit, Login-Master reports this coming bottleneck and automatically adds capacity.

Interested in autoscaling? The topic is on our roadmap for 2022. If you can’t wait for it, feel free to send us a message.

The security of your users is of utmost importance to us. That’s why we work every day to make the identities in your applications and web services more secure with Login-Master. Because it is the only way to create trust, security and convenience for your users, so that you are in the position to grow your business or digital offerings, knowing that your users will continue trusting you.

Login-Master offers maximum reliability and the best performance from the very beginning:

Keycloak hardening



Our consulting and AI-supported analysis

We know how to operate identity infrastructures securely.

We share our many years of accumulated company experience in this field with our customers. Benefit from all the measures in Login-Master for early detection and our excellent Keycloak and IAM consulting for prevention.

Keycloak alert



Keycloak Sentinel and other alert functions

We have realised that it is not enough to set up a secure infrastructure.

We deliver modern standard protocols that manage the best possible security for login and access processes that put you on the right track. To supplement this, we offer appropriate alert functions that prevent worst case scenarios from occurring.

Keycloak support



Professional Keycloak and IAM Support

We are currently expanding these services with our Keycloak and IAM experts, because demand is very high.

In advance, we recommend preventive measures for GDPR-compliant protection of user data, high availability, resilience, and optimal and secure login performance settings.

Build trust with security:

We offer convenience and security for your users that goes far beyond the standard. We would be happy to clarify open questions in a conversation or a live demo on the topics of prevention, monitoring or support.

Get in touch with us!

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